Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Meeting on Thursday

So i felt like our blog was being neglected and also I wanted to share this picture with everyone, it somehow fits into our robots theme. I always thought of Dr Smith as a little creepy, but this picture just confirms it. I have no idea why he had to hike his leg up on the robot, what does that mean??!

Anyway I used to have the most awesome keychain thing, it was of Robot B9. When you pressed the head in it would say "warning warning" or "danger Will Robinson, danger" or "that does not compute" how cool is that?!!! Then eventually the battery started to die and the words became dragged out and it was like "daaangerr Wiiilll Robbiiinsonn..." also its plastic legs got all squashed and cracked up, as you can see in the picture they are not made from the most sturdy of plastics, and finally its little claw broke off.

btw meeting thurs 11 am!

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